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What are the benefits of kimchi for weight loss?


kimchi for weight loss, kimchi is a traditional Korean dish made with salted and fermented vegetables. It usually contains cabbage and spices such as sugar, salt, onion, garlic, ginger, and hot pepper.

This method may also be used with other vegetables, including radish, celery, carrots, cucumbers, eggplant, spinach, green onions, beets, and bamboo shoots.

Historically, it was not always possible to grow fresh vegetables throughout the year.

Therefore, people have developed methods of preserving food, such as pickling and fermentation – a process that uses enzymes to create chemical changes in food.

What is the nutritional value of kimchi?

• Calories: 23
• Carbs: 4 grams.
• Protein: 2 grams.
• Fat: less than 1 gram.
• Fiber: 2 grams.
• Sodium: 747 mg.
• Vitamin B6: 19% of the body’s daily requirement.
• Vitamin C: 22% of the body’s daily requirement.
• Vitamin K: 55% of the body’s daily requirement.
• Folate: 20% of the daily requirement.
• Iron: 21% of the body’s daily requirement.
• Niacin: 10% of the body’s daily requirement.
• Riboflavin: 24% of the body’s daily requirement.


Kimchi contains probiotics

The Lacto fermentation process that goes through makes it especially unique. Fermented foods not only have a long shelf life, but they also have an enhanced taste and aroma.

Fermentation occurs when starch or sugar is converted into alcohol or acid by organisms such as yeast, mold, or bacteria.

Lacto fermentation uses Lactobacillus bacteria to break down sugars into lactic acid, which is what gives kimchi its distinctive quality.

These same bacteria may have many benefits, including treating conditions like hay fever and certain types of diarrhea.

These include probiotics, which are microorganisms that provide health benefits when consumed in large quantities
In fact, they are useful for:

• Certain types of cancer.
• Colds.
• Constipation.
• Digestive health.
• Heart health.
• Mental health.
• Some skin diseases.

Keep in mind that many of these results are related to high-dose probiotic supplements and not to the amounts found in a regular serving of kimchi.

Kimchi strengthens your immune system

Lactobacillus bacteria may increase your immune health.

Kimchi reduces inflammation

Probiotics and the active compounds and other fermented foods may help fight inflammation.

Kimchi slow down the aging

Not only is chronic inflammation associated with many diseases, but it also speeds up the aging process.

However, might extend the life of a cell by slowing down this process.
In a test-tube study, human treated cells showed increased viability, which measures the overall health of the cells – and demonstrated a long life regardless of their age.


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Kimchi prevents yeast infections

Probiotics and healthy bacteria may help prevent yeast infections.

Vaginal yeast infection occurs when Candida fungi, which are usually harmless, rapidly multiply inside the vagina. More than 1.4 million women in the United States are being treated for this infection.

Because these fungi may develop resistance to antibiotics, many researchers are looking for natural remedies.

Kimchi helps lose weight

• Fresh and fermented is low in calories and may increase weight loss.
• A four-week study of 22 overweight people found that eating fresh or fermented helped reduce body weight, BMI, and body fat.
• Additionally, fermented lowered blood sugar levels.

It’s not clear what properties of responsible for its weight loss effects – although its low-calorie count, high content of fiber, and probiotics can all play a role.

Kimchi supports heart health

Research indicates that might reduce the risk of heart disease.

This may be due to its anti-inflammatory properties, as recent evidence suggests that inflammation may be the underlying cause of heart disease.

In an 8-week study in mice fed a high-cholesterol diet, blood and liver lipid levels were lower in those who consumed extract than in the control group. Additionally, extract appears to suppress fat growth.

This is important because the accumulation of fat in these areas may contribute to heart disease.

Meanwhile, a 100-week study in 100 people found that consuming 0.5 to 7.5 ounces (15-210 grams) per day significantly decreased blood sugar levels, total cholesterol, and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels – all of which are risk factors for heart disease.


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How to make fermented kimchi at home

Although preparing fermented foods may seem like a daunting task, making kimchi at home is fairly simple if you stick to the following steps:

• Combine the ingredients of your choice, like cabbage and other fresh vegetables like carrots, radishes, and onions, plus ginger, garlic, sugar, salt, rice flour, chili oil, and chili powder.
• Chop and wash fresh vegetables, along with ginger and garlic.
• Spread salt between layers of cabbage leaves and leave it for 2-3 hours. Turn the cabbage every 30 minutes to distribute the salt evenly. Use a ratio of 1/2 cup (72 grams) of salt for every 6 pounds (2.7 kilograms) of cabbage.
• To remove excess salt, rinse the cabbage with water in a colander.
• Mix rice flour, sugar, ginger, garlic, and chili oil with the addition of water if needed. You can use more or less of these ingredients, depending on how strong you taste them.
• Insert fresh vegetables, including cabbage, into the dough so that it is spread throughout all the vegetables.
• Package the mixture in a large jar for storage, making sure to seal it properly.
• Allow the kimchi to ferment for at least 3 days at room temperature or up to 3 weeks at 39 ° F (4 ° C).
• You’ll know it’s ready to eat as soon as you start smelling and tasting it – or when little bubbles start moving across the jar.
• After fermentation, you can refrigerate for up to one year.

Damage to kimchi

Digestive health

Excess consumption can lead to digestive problems in some individuals.
Research conducted in this regard has suggested that too much consumption may exacerbate the risk of stomach cancer due to fermentation. has an abundance of fiber which may cause gas and bloat in vulnerable individuals.
It is advisable to start by adding small amounts to the diet in order to assess its effects.

Heart function and high blood pressure

Individuals suffering from high blood pressure should exercise caution while eating due to the presence of the high salt concentration that gets highlighted again during the fermentation process.
However, the study conducted on hypertensive subjects revealed that even under hypertensive conditions, low-sodium intake may not lead to adverse effects on blood pressure and cardiac activities.

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