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7 Delicious Recipes Vegetarian Lunch Ideas

Vegetarian Lunch Ideas

Vegetarian lunch ideas are what we’ll be covering in this article, given the widespread complaint that the vegetarian diet lacks the variety in the varieties that can be eaten for lunch.

Searching for vegetarian lunch ideas is a confusing matter to many, then the options become limited and routine, so many lose their passion for the idea and go back to eating fatty foods because It is delicious and available, and so that this does not happen to you a variety of food Delicious healthy vegans that don’t include meat as an ingredient that helps you maintain your healthy lifestyle.

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Vegetarian Diet and Research

A study was conducted in 2016 on one hundred thousand American people for a period of five years, and the researchers found that vegetarians were less likely to die – with different types of a cause of death – compared to other carnivores during the period of the study, and this effect was more noticeable in males than In females. Another study showed that meatless meals reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, arterial hypertension, and even cancer.

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Tips for finding vegetarian lunch ideas

1- Eat potatoes, bread, rice, pasta, and other starchy carbohydrates (brown rice, quinoa, buckwheat, and oatmeal porridge), as they are great ingredients for your vegetarian lunch ideas.

Important advice regarding these foods

  • Try to avoid adding too much fat (such as butter or cream for potato mash, or cream-based pasta sauce); Because it can increase your calories drastically.
  • Check which products are low in fat, salt, and sugar by reading the nutritional label.
  • If you like fried potato chips, keep them with the least amount of fat and salt possible.
  • Whole grains can be mixed with white to increase the fiber content, such as mixing white and wild rice or bread with half white flour and half whole flour.

2- Eat at least five portions of a variety of fruits and vegetables every day.

All fruits and vegetables are suitable for consumption, whether fresh, frozen, or canned (provided that they are not in brine or juice) or dried (provided there are no added sugars to them). One serving of vegetable or fruit juice can be consumed, but it should not exceed 150 milliliters per day.

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Important advice regarding these foods

  • Be careful when choosing canned fruits such as (lychee, pineapple, and mango) that they are not canned in juice.
  • Add more vegetables when looking for vegan lunch ideas (like grated carrots, mushrooms, or chili).
  • Try to keep some fruits in your bag or fridge ready to eat for a healthy and convenient snack.
  • Keep your vegetables in the refrigerator, as they are a good way to ensure their freshness.
  • Avoid adding salt to the cooking water, and avoid adding sugars to fruits (such as honey).
  • If you want to add sauce to vegetables or salads, try lemon juice, hot pepper, olive oil, and some unsaturated oils such as walnut oil, sesame oil, or sauce made from avocado or tahini.

3- Eat dairy products and alternatives that are low in fat and sugar; Many vegetarians consume dairy foods like milk, cheese, and yogurt. Vegetarians and vegetarians also eat fortified calcium in dairy alternatives such as soy, oats, and nut drinks.

read more: Maoz Vegetarian 

Suggested recipes vegetarian lunch ideas

To be complete, read on to learn more recipes for the most delicious vegetarian lunch ideas.

1- Lentil kofta

It is one of the must-have dishes that comes to your mind when you think of vegan lunch ideas.

It is one of the most popular foods in Turkish cuisine, which depends on lentils rich in vegetable protein and thus it is a good alternative to red meat, and lentils help in enhancing the body’s energy and giving it vitality and vitality, and that is why it is effective in treating headaches, strengthens teeth and keeps them from decay, as well as reduces the level Cholesterol and blood sugar, it also protects the heart from strokes, strokes and heart attacks.

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2- Vegetarian burger with vegetables

If you are a big burger fan and are looking for vegetarian lunch ideas, you can try the vegan burger.

The burger is a meal of American origin, but it spread with lightning speed until it became presented in different forms and foods around the world, and it consists of a sandwich of meat or chicken added to it with pieces of onion, cheese, lettuce, and tomatoes with ketchup and mayonnaise, this delicious combination attracted many and became her lovers everywhere In the world, if you are a lover of burgers but are afraid of being obese, you can try the vegan burger with vegetables for a delicious and healthy taste.

read more: Green vegetarian cuisine 

3- Vegan mayonnaise

Since we have provided the healthy alternative to the burger as one of our vegetarian lunch ideas, it is necessary to provide the healthy alternative to the ingredient that the burger is indispensable and does not offer without it is mayonnaise, where eggs can be dispensed with and replaced with boiled potatoes to reduce calories without losing its delicious taste.

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4- Taro

For lovers of beefsteak and chicken pan, here is taro, one of the smartest vegetarian lunch ideas, and an alternative to scallops, which provides you with great nutrients, and if you do not like the traditional methods of preparing taro, you can try this new and delicious recipe and prepare it in a form of Albanian, and benefit from the vitamins (C, B, D) in it, as well as eating Taro in winter helps to avoid colds and flu, as it strengthens immunity and resists bacteria and viruses

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5- Shish tawook vegetables

It is one of the delicious foods common in most fast food stores and loved by many,
and it consists of small cubes of marinated chicken thighs placed on wooden skewers with colored pepper and
grilled on charcoal, and since we offer vegetarian food free of meat, we will replace the chicken with
mixed vegetables and prepare them in the same way as shish tawook to preserve For the great taste,
but in a healthier way.

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6- Potato tray in the oven

It is one of the traditional foods that the table of any house is not without, as it can be served with white rice,
and although many people prefer to eat the potato tray with meat, it can also be prepared without it,
and this will not affect the taste, as potatoes are vegetables that many people accept and eat with all Shapes

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7- Lebanese Muhammarah

Muhammara is a dish spread in the Levant, where the people of Lebanon and Syria know how to present
it in the most delicious ways, and it consists mainly of ground cakes with sweet pepper paste and
it is one of the basic items on the Levantine table, it is one of the delicious dishes quickly prepared,
and it can be served in breakfast or as an appetizer for lunch It is one of the distinctive and fun recipes.

read more: Vegetarian Lunch Ideas

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