Home » Adele diet…Weight loss story in 3 weeks

Adele diet…Weight loss story in 3 weeks

Adele diet

Adele diet…Weight loss story in 3 weeks: English singer Adele makes a distinctive appearance at the Oscars, and this is what she deserved about a year ago, and she gave birth to a child with a height of about 45 kg. Now, 7 years, he did not respond when he came up with the “prevention” website, quoting “Al-Nas”. Aerobic exercise She started exercising 3 times a week due to her lack of interest or love for it, and she spends 60 minutes per class, joining it, and completing cardio, Pilates, and circuit training exercises, and then, she enjoys exercising in sports. Get fit and look perfect with significant weight loss.

adele diet

Adele went to follow a strict diet, as she abstained from drinking alcohol while eating several small meals throughout the day. Some mentioned that Adele followed the “Sirtfood” diet, and the English singer did not deny this, and this diet relies on eating certain foods to burn fat such as onions And soy, parsley, dark chocolate (it contains 85% of cocoa), walnuts, berries, etc. Adele had written on her Instagram account: “It has changed dramatically in the past two years, and I’m still in a state of change, and that’s a good thing, I will be 31 years old.” Special, and I’ll spend it all on myself. ”Adele is set to turn 32 in May.

Adele diet to lose weight

The British singer “Adele” surprised her audience around the world by losing a lot of her weight during the past period, and she appeared with a completely different “Look” during her New Year and New Year holidays on the beach of Angela Island, a British region located in the Caribbean region, last Friday, and it was Wearing a black and white plaid dress, enjoying the sun and water on the sandy beach, accompanied by British singer Harry Styles, member of One Direction, and English journalist and comedian James Corden.

Adele diet
Adele diet

According to the British “Mirror” newspaper, the 31-year-old English singer lost about 20 pounds, and it took some time to engage in a regular exercise routine and follow healthy eating habits.

“I am very happy and feel more attractive than ever. I look wonderful and very proud of myself,” the British newspaper quoted Adele as saying after losing weight, adding: “I have learned a lot about myself, and losing weight has become really easy.”

Adele’s loss of these extra kilograms

the latest in a state of division and controversy for social media pioneers, where opinions diverged among the tweeters, as Iman said: “What did you give this, sister Adele?” I love your cheeks, “while Hegazy said:” Adele is after he’s lost, that’s a moon and that’s a moon. ”

adele diet

The international star “Adele”, also appeared in a much lower weight, during her new photo session on the occasion of Christmas and Christmas with Santa Claus.

Adele, in black and white, shared her audience with her Instagram account, congratulating her followers, saying, “Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone.”

In recent months, the global Adele was the talk of websites, after the great English star surprised her fans, by losing a lot of weight in her latest appearance during her participation in the birthday party of the singer Drake in Hollywood.

Explanation of the Adele diet to lose weight (Sirtfood Diet)?

It is a tried and true regimen because eating sirtuin foods reduces calories in the body, thus stimulating the latter to produce the highest level of a sirtuin, thus the body loses weight without harming or reducing muscles, and it also has benefits for the body in terms of protection for diseases, for example, and from those foods Sirte:

  • Soy.
  • Onions.
  • Berries
  • Strawberry.
  • Cabbage (cabbage).
  • Dark chocolate (85%).
  • parsley.
  • The original olive oil.
  • Black wheat.
  • The nut.
  • Grouse or Roman anjandan.
  • Japanese green tea (macha).
  • Watercress.
  • Coffee.
  • Turmeric.
  • Captives or Shafallah.
  • Thai Chili Pepper.
  • Scheduled dates.

International singer Adele diet to lose weight and Sirtfood diet

The strength of this type of diet is vegetarian food with exercise, as well as abstaining from food for
periods of “fasting”, and this diet aims to completely repair the body and make it fit and permanently,
not as some types of dieting that reduce weight for a specific period and the body continues to return as it was.

The Sirtfood diet (Adele diet to lose weight ) :

The Sirtfood diet adopts a type of juice that is considered the main in its program and is
sipped daily without interruption and is sometimes presented with juice from the lemon in addition to tea,
the type of matcha and the components of this juice are called green juice:

  • 75 grams of a kilo.
  • Half a lemon.
  • 30 grams watercress.
  • Half a teaspoon of green tea.
  • Half a green apple.
  • A bunch of parsley.
  • The amount of a small tablet of ginger.
  • 2 sticks of celery.

Stages of the Sirtfood diet (Adele diet to lose weight ):

1- The first stage:

For the first 3 days, you continued to drink green juice 3 times a day with only one meal of sirtfood.

On days 4 to 7, we should get 1,500 calories, by contrast, for the first three days, it will only consist of 1,000.

And that is by continuing to drink the green juice with two meals of Tahan.

2- The second stage:

This stage is less difficult than the next and extends to two weeks, for every day there are three
meals of Sirtfood with drinking green juice for one daily.

read more: Is tofu keto allowed in the diet?

3- Post-dieting stage:

It is possible to take the aforementioned dieting programs as my lifestyle until the extra weight
is finished and take Sirtfood meals according to a daily program that is approved by
those who want to continue losing weight and keep it healthy and graceful.

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